Each year on October 10th, we raise awareness for mental health worldwide. This year’s theme is mental health at work, an often overlooked but severely necessary topic. As someone with a history of mental health struggles, days like these hit close to home for me, and I’d like to take some time to raise awareness for it by doing what I love – painting my nails.
And now for something completely different. This year’s Halloween nail arts have been rather modern, kind of ✨aesthetic✨, and not very gore-y or creepy. It just simply suits my style better! However, I do make a big exception for these nails, which is one that I have actually done before. Because when you think of Halloween, you think of blood. And what better way to show that than to put some blood splatter on your nails?
Sometimes old trend die a quick death, never to be seen again. But sometimes, they resurface after a couple of years, hitting a totally new target market. That’s most definitely the case with crackle topcoats! Back in the days, this one got many lacqueristas in a ongoing discussion: is the trend one to love, or to absolutely hate? And in all honesty; even after all these years, I’m still not really certain!
Who says Halloween is only for the glum, dark manicures? It definitely isn’t in my opinion, and in the fifth week of my countdown, I’ll show you my take on how to combine the bewitching spirit of Halloween with some soft pastel hues, to create a spooky yet elegant look.
One of the biggest perks of the period coming up to Halloween, is rewatching my favourite spooky movies! The movie I always watch around this time, is Practical Magic. It’s just so cozy! Today I’m bringing am hommage to it by creating a nail art with it… including some magic of its own!
Week 3 of Halloween looks is here, and today I have a green, metallic one for you all! Green is a colour that I have a love/hate relationship with: I love how it looks on my skin, but it simply doesn’t spark joy for me very often. For today’s look, however, it’s the showstopper of the look.
For the second look of my Halloween countdown, I opted to go for a simple, contemporary nail art. Nothing spooky this time, but it is witchy! Today I’m showing you my take on the glazed butter nail trend.
It’s the last day of the month, and that means I’m rounding up all manicures I’ve worn this month!
You know you’re a true lacquerista if your birthday wishlist is filled with nail polish. It does not come as a surprise that it describes me to the t. Although my birthday was almost two months ago already, I do want to show you this polish that I received, which is a colour that I believe is rather underappreciated within the nail polish community. I intend to change that with this review, so buckle up!
If time travel would exist, going back ten years in time would show me as a young twenty-something mixing up pigments and glitter for my own nail polish brand. Yes, I used to be an indie seller! Not very successful, to be honest, mainly because it was just a hobby, but a fun one regardless! My brand used to be called Bows & Polkadots, and I’ve already shown you some mixes on this website. Today I’m showing you were it all started, with The Neon Collection.