Something I always enjoyed on other blogs, is when someone totally not into nail polish picks out polishes for the owner of the website. Not to buy, oh no; from their own collection. It’s usually a husband or boyfriend, and I happen to have the latter around! When we got together, I don’t think he knew the sheer extent of my hobby, and he was soon met with two Helmers stuffed with nail polish and related stuff. But it did have its perks: the occasional MAN-icure, as well as never being out of hand creams.
So it’s time to start tipping that scale again, and invite him into my hobby in a more active way; by having him pick nail polishes! Today is the first one of this series, and he picked well!

I gave him complete carte blanche as to what kind of polish he wanted to pick. I only showed him around, explained the difference between polish drawers and topcoat drawers, and let him go to town. About ten minutes later, he cam to me with two bottles of nail polish, both by OPI. Because I “like the brand so much”, as I’m wearing it “all the time”. Well, he’s not completely wrong; I do love myself some OPI, although I think they’re a tad overpriced for the polishes (sorry, OPI! I simply need polishes to be a bit more special to meet you at that price range).
For a base colour, he picked “Suzi Shops and Island Hops”, a gorgeous light pink colour. And funnily enough one that I have not worn yet! I received this polish in a batch of polishes I bought secondhand, and did not know it was in there. My partner chose this colour as he believed it would look good on my skin tone, and I think he’s right!

As a topper, he picked OPI’s “In True Stefani Fashion”, a very sparkly silver and holo melange of glitter. This one I ADORE! It’s a fun glitter topper that makes every colour underneath pop. I’ve worn it often, but never over a colour like this. And I must admit: I do love it! It’s a very girly, cute combination, but on the more subdued side compared to other combinations I tend to wear.
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[…] month, and another installation of “My Partner Picks”! Last time was also the first time I posted this on my blog, so I was curious what my partner would pick next. […]