You know you’re a true lacquerista if your birthday wishlist is filled with nail polish. It does not come as a surprise that it describes me to the t. Although my birthday was almost two months ago already, I do want to show you this polish that I received, which is a colour that I believe is rather underappreciated within the nail polish community. I intend to change that with this review, so buckle up!
Whoever says nail polish names aren’t important, definitely never has been around brands that pick out great ones. For me, a-england is a brand like no others in that regard. Although the names don’t contain any puns like other brands (OPI, I’m looking at you!), they do reminisce the rich English culture. Point in case; this stunning royal purple named The Most Happy.
I don’t think it comes to anyone’s surprise that I’m absolutely smitten by a-england’s nail polish. And what’s not to like? Fun, history and art based names, stunning, deep colours, as well as a good amount of holo. Today I’m showing you another gem; this time in the form of “Sleeping Palace” from their Burne-Jones Dream collection.
Sometimes there are these nail polishes you simply HAVE to have, and they get stuck in the back of your mind for ages until you’re able to get your hands on them. a-englands “Anne Boleyn” was one of them for me. Ever since Adina came with the Tudoresque collection, I was stunned by this colour. I’m happy to announce I got the nail polish, and today I’ll show you this beauty!
January is over, so that means that we’re looking at my manicures of last month! These are manicures I have worn for longer periods of time, and not just swatched I post on this website (or any of my social media). This month, I’ve worn five different polishes.