One of the biggest perks of the period coming up to Halloween, is rewatching my favourite spooky movies! The movie I always watch around this time, is Practical Magic. It’s just so cozy! Today I’m bringing am hommage to it by creating a nail art with it… including some magic of its own!
As you may know, I love buying secondhand nail polish. It offers me the chance to buy older nail polishes that are discontinued, buy more for less money, and find polishes I’ve wanted for years without any luck (looking at you, indie polishes!). Recently, I bought someone’s collection of regular nail polish on 2dehands, a national online marketplace. In it, I found a bottle of Essie Muchi Muchi, a cool-toned pink colour. Immediately, I raised my eyebrows. Didn’t I already have this polish? And didn’t it… look different? I picked my own bottle from its cabinet, and quickly saw it’s indeed a different colour. Same name, number, and polish name, but… different?
3x Catrice Nail Polish – 149 Vanilla Chai, 164 Elsa’s Favourite & 167 Love It Or Leaf It + Essie dupe alert!
I have a confession to make. Ever since I started using Vinted to buy polishes, I don’t usually visit my local stores to check them anymore. Perhaps it’s also due to the fact drugstore polishes are much less interesting when you start collecting indies, but regardless: it’s just not my place to be anymore. Exceptions are made, however, when there’s a sale going on. Because one can never stock up on basic creams, right? Today I’m reviewing three polishes I bought at Kruidvat, and one even looks like a dupe!
After my last post about summer polishes, it’s only fitting to follow suit with a new installation of Lacquered Memories with a very sunny nail polish. Today Essie’s Olé Caliente, a polish that started my love for Essie.
Happy Summer Solstice! Today marks the longest day of the year, as well as the celebration of Litha, the pagan festival surrounding the solstice. For the ocassion, I decided to pick my five favourite summer polishes. Let’s look at them, in no particular order!
A fun fact about me is that I am a MASSIVE Eurovision Song Contest fan. I’m always religiously following the news surrounding the event, listen to all songs the day they are released, and make my own lists each year with the entries I’d like to see win. This year was no different, and I was extremely surprised to find out an artist from my home province was the Dutch entry this year. Joost’s Europapa is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but a very fun one. It definitely piqued my interest, and it slowly but surely made its way to the top of my ranking. Today I’m sharing my nails for the event!
Besides finding “new” gems in my collection, I also decided to experiment with already loved nail polishes in this challenge. Today is one of those!
The Christmas spirit is strong in this cute combination of a mulled wine coloured base coat, and a festive topcoat on top!