Sometimes old trend die a quick death, never to be seen again. But sometimes, they resurface after a couple of years, hitting a totally new target market. That’s most definitely the case with crackle topcoats! Back in the days, this one got many lacqueristas in a ongoing discussion: is the trend one to love, or to absolutely hate? And in all honesty; even after all these years, I’m still not really certain!
trends from the past
I’m not going to lie: I’m a nostalgic kind of person. I somehow remember specific eye looks or nail arts I’ve worn over the years, and my series Lacquered Memories are another witness of my nostalgic personality. For exactly that reason, I’d like to kick off a new series: Trends from the Past. In this series, I’m reviewing nail art trends that were hawt many years ago (and some did even come back!), and that I still do like a lot. It can be specific charms, a finish, a type of nail art, or even certain polishes that were so much sought after that the amount of pigment a brand had, were not meeting the demand anymore. Yes, that happened sometimes! Today I’m starting with a trend you either love or hate: kaviar nails.