Whoever says nail polish names aren’t important, definitely never has been around brands that pick out great ones. For me, a-england is a brand like no others in that regard. Although the names don’t contain any puns like other brands (OPI, I’m looking at you!), they do reminisce the rich English culture. Point in case; this stunning royal purple named The Most Happy.

This polish was part of the Tudoresque collection (the same one Anne Boleyn also was part of), and gets described as an intense violet scatter holo, and it looks like that in the bottle, indeed. The name is derived from the motto by Anne Boleyn, which she adopted after becoming queen of England alongside her spouse Henry VIII.

Just like Anne Boleyn, the holo glitter does not translate that well onto the nail. At least, not the rainbows. Like the aforementioned polish, the glitter creates a depth to the nail polish that makes it come to life in a velvety way. I love it! In some angles, like above, you can see a tiny hint of rainbow holo, but it’s not a lot.

With just one layer, the polish is almost opaque, just like I’m used to from a-england. However, two coats make it pop even more. I think it’s a beautiful polish in a fun colour, that suits cool toned skins extremely well. Application is easy due to the curved, broad brush. Drying time is limited, especially with a fast dry top coat on top. The shine is prevalent even without a topcoat, but I recommend using one for durability.

Purples are always a hard colour to pick for me, but this one is absolutely going to the top of my list! I love the richness and depth of this polish a lot. It embodies the royal topic of the collection in the best way possible.
I bought this bottle second hand through Vinted. The polish has been discontinued (like most of the polish from this collection), but can be found in second hand places from time to time.