Hi, very nice to meet you! My name is Deborah, a Dutchie living in Belgium. This is my own little space on the internet, where I share one of my biggest passions with you!
Ever since I was about ten years old, I’ve been into nail polish. I used to have a blog about ten years ago, but deleted that when my studies started taking up most of my free time. In 2023, I decided to blog about anything nail polish related again, so here we are!
I currently have a collection of about 1000 nail polishes. Mostly drug store brands, but also some high end, vintage, and as of more recently indie brands as well. I love all of my polishes equally, and enjoy wearing bright colours the most.
On this blog, you’ll find anything from my favourite nail polish colours to DIY’s, reviews, as well as tips and tricks regarding nail polish and nail art in general. I post frequently; mostly on Wednesdays and Saturdays, although I’m not one to stick to a set schedule. You can also find me on social media; I’m on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube under @nailistorica.
And for the curious cats: the name is a very *ahem* original fusion of the words “nail” and “(kunst)historica”, the Dutch word for “female (art) historian”.
As much as I love to read this section on other websites, I’m kind of awkward finding the words to introduce myself. Oh well, that comes with the INFP-label, I guess! I’m a 31 years old woman, originally from The Netherlands (Friesland to be precise), currently living in Belgium with my two bunnies. I love cooking, my plant collection, gaming (yay for Black Desert Online, The Sims 4, Disney Dreamlight Valley, and the Assassin’s Creed franchise!), reading, writing, biking around the city, and first and foremost nail polish.
Having graduated as an art historian at the university of Groningen, I do like to look at beautiful art, and I think my love for nail art (see what I did there?) stems from that. Although I’m not the best at freehanding stuff, I get excited as a child on christmas eve whenever I try out new nail art tricks. I hope you’ll enjoy sharing that enthousiasm with you!