About a month ago, I launched a new blog series on this website: Lacquered Memories. In this series, I revisit nail polishes and nail arts that hold a special place in my collection due to the memories surrounding them. This time a gorgeous taupe nail polish by Leighton Denny: Sink into Mink

Leighton Denny is a brand I never really knew about at all, mostly due to the fact it’s not a brand that is sold here. It’s been founded in 2005 by the guy with the same name, and since has received an MBA. The brand mentions bringing the salon feeling of manicures into your home, and is solely aimed at nail care, including nail polish.

All good and well, and I’m absolutely interested in some of their polishes (Super Wings has no license to be THIS stunning and mouth-watering!), but the reason I got this polish, is quite simple: it was a freebie with a magazine I bought when visiting England for the first time. Yep, that’s the reason I own this. Upon my arrival in the UK, I went to buy some magazines, and two of them had different nail polishes as a free gift. Obviously, that was too good of a deal to pass on! I opted for Nails Inc.’s Victoria and Leighton Denny’s Sink into Mink.

And I’m glad I picked this colour! It’s a true taupe, opaque in just two layers, and suits my skintone very well! I also love the chunky, plastic cap, as it’s easy and soft to hold. If the brand would be easier to obtain in Europe, I think I would definitely have tried more by now.