For the second look of my Halloween countdown, I opted to go for a simple, contemporary nail art. Nothing spooky this time, but it is witchy! Today I’m showing you my take on the glazed butter nail trend.
If time travel would exist, going back ten years in time would show me as a young twenty-something mixing up pigments and glitter for my own nail polish brand. Yes, I used to be an indie seller! Not very successful, to be honest, mainly because it was just a hobby, but a fun one regardless! My brand used to be called Bows & Polkadots, and I’ve already shown you some mixes on this website. Today I’m showing you were it all started, with The Neon Collection.
As summer is here (at least in name…), I cannot help but think about the holidays past. One of my most fond memories is the tiem I went to Florence, Italy, partially for my studies as well as vacation. Not only did I get to see so much art and culture, eat really good Italian food, get the chance to practice my studies of Italian language in the country of its origin, but I also took it as an opportunity to try out new brands. One of them was Kiko, and today I’m showing you colour 337 as a part of my series Lacquered Memories.
About a month ago, I launched a new blog series on this website: Lacquered Memories. In this series, I revisit nail polishes and nail arts that hold a special place in my collection due to the memories surrounding them. This time a gorgeous taupe nail polish by Leighton Denny: Sink into Mink
With a collection as extensive as mine, many nail polishes do come with a story. Today I’m starting a new series on my blog: Lacquered Memories. In this series, I’m revisiting old nail polishes (or nail arts) that I hold dear due to personal reasons. Today Chanel’s 535 “May”.
A fun fact about me is that I am a MASSIVE Eurovision Song Contest fan. I’m always religiously following the news surrounding the event, listen to all songs the day they are released, and make my own lists each year with the entries I’d like to see win. This year was no different, and I was extremely surprised to find out an artist from my home province was the Dutch entry this year. Joost’s Europapa is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but a very fun one. It definitely piqued my interest, and it slowly but surely made its way to the top of my ranking. Today I’m sharing my nails for the event!
Hi, nice to see you here! 🙂
My name’s Deborah, and I’m a 30-year old woman originally from The Netherlands, but currently living in Belgium. Besides plants (I have an urban jungle of about 100 plants… talk about a hobby that got out of hand), I’m massively into nail polish, and have been into it for most of my life.